There is hereby established an official addressing system for the City of Potwin, Kansas, which shall consist of the following:
(a) Said addressing system shall have as its origin the intersection of Marshall and Randall, and all addresses shall be numbered from said point in accordance with the addressing system.
(b) The first block in each direction from the point of origin shall be the 100 block, and all subsequent blocks shall be sequentially numbered by increments of 100.
(c) Numbers to residences and business buildings shall follow the numbering method cited herein.
(Ord. 613)
All residences and business buildings in the city shall be numbered in conformance with the following provisions:
(a) The number assigned shall change on an interval of 25 feet, said distance being the width of the narrowest platted lot in the City.
(b) Residences and business buildings located on the north and/or east side of the street shall cany an even number as its address. Residences and business buildings located on the south and/or west side of a street shall carry an odd number as its address. In addition to the number assigned, the address shall indicate the direction from the point of origin within the official address (i.e. 302 North Randall or 212 West Marshall).
(c) Individual numbers assigned to a residence or business building shall be assigned in conformance with U.S. Postal Addressing Standards, said standards being incorporated herein.
(Ord. 613)
The owner or occupant of any residence or business building within the City of Potwin shall be required to place on the residence or business building the official address thereof in numerals at least three (3) inches in height, of non-rusting material, and colored in sufficient contrast to the underlying surface so as to make said numerals visible and readily identifiable from the street. All new residences and business buildings constructed within the City of Potwin shall have the address affixed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(Ord. 613)
All street names shall be as shown on the official plats recorded with the Register of Deeds of Butler County, Kansas. All new streets shall be named in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Potwin Subdivision Regulations governing the same.
(Ord. 613)
It is the intent of the governing body that there be no exceptions to this addressing system. However, recognizing that on occasion an irregularity may occur in the design of a subdivision that would present the need to establish an exception, the Planning Commission of the City of Potwin is hereby required to hear all requests for an exception to this ordinance and make a formal recommendation to the governing body. The governing body shall make all final decisions regarding exceptions to this ordinance. Any exception granted shall not establish a precedent for future requests for exceptions and all exceptions shall be because of unique and unusual conditions present within the subdivision as presented and not because anyone wishes to establish a separate and unique address for their development which is contrary to the addressing system for the balance of the City of Potwin.
(Ord. 613)
All owners and/or occupants of residences and business buildings within the City of Potwin shall have until March 31, 1995, to post the official address on the residence or business building in conformance with the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 613)
The City Clerk, or the City Clerk’s designee, shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article, except those provisions specifically delegated to either the Planning Commission or governing body.
(Ord. 613)
Any person found to be in violation of this ordinance shall be sent a notice of such violation by the City Clerk or the City Clerk’s designee. The notice shall be served by personal service upon the owner or occupant in violation, or by service by registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. The notice shall state:
(a) The manner in which the residence or business building is not in compliance with this ordinance and the steps which must be taken to correct such violation.
(b) The person in violation shall have thirty (30) days from the date of the service or mailing of the violation notice to comply with the provisions of this ordinance.
(c) That failure to correct the violation within thirty (30) days of the service of mailing of the violation notice may result in prosecution under Section 4-409.
(Ord. 613)
Any person, firm or corporation found in violation of the provisions of this article for the first time shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum of Thirty dollars ($30.00) plus court costs; and for the second and any subsequent violations, be fined from Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to Three Hundred ($300.00) plus court costs.
(Ord. 613)